O&D stands for “Origin & Destination”
A concept that is worthy of your choice. We have the best technical expertise, careful construction, perfect after-sales service and professional planning to perfect your space needs.
Tel: +886-2-27683123 Fax: 886-2-27630431 odcorp888@gmail.com
105,Taipei City, Songshan District,Section 5, Minsheng E Rd, 228號
Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00
NT$3,350 Original price was: NT$3,350.NT$2,950Current price is: NT$2,950.
SIZE 45cm x 45cm
枕套為土耳其進口 面料天鵝絨 枕芯為台灣製
枕套以30度的液體洗滌劑水洗或乾洗 以反面熨燙
此商品皆依訂單剪裁及製作 若非產品本身有瑕疵或出貨有誤 恕不接受退換貨
(購買單位 以每個 (piece) 計價)